Lehmann, Lotte - Romantic

Complete list of composers for Romantic

Albert, Eugène d'(1)
Auber, Daniel-François(1)
Brahms, Johannes(1)
Giordano, Umberto(1)
Lehár, Franz(1)
Mendelssohn, Felix(1)
Nicolai, Otto(1)
Offenbach, Jacques(1)
Schubert, Franz(2)
Schumann, Robert(4)
Strauss, Johann, Jr.(1)
Strauss, Richard(7)
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich(2)
Thomas, Ambroise(1)
Wagner, Richard(11)
Weber, Carl Maria von(1)
Wolf, Hugo(1)

Record Labels

EMI Classics(1)
EMI Great Recordings of the Century(1)
Guild (not USA)(2)
Hänssler Classic(1)
Naxos Historical(1)
Opera D'Oro(1)
RCA Victor Special Imports(1)
VAI Audio (Video Artists Intl.)(1)