Partridge, Ian

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Artist : Partridge, Ian Composer: Handel, George Frideric

Album artwork for
Handel: Chandos Anthems no 1-11 / Christophers, The Sixteen
Label: Chandos Chaconne Series
$77.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Handel: Chandos Anthems Vol 1 / Christophers, The Sixteen
Label: Chandos Chaconne Series
$25.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Handel: Chandos Anthems Vol 3 / Christophers, The Sixteen
Label: Chandos Chaconne Series
$25.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Handel: Chandos Anthems Vol 4 / Christophers, The Sixteen
Label: Chandos Chaconne Series
$25.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
The Sixteen Edition - Handel: Alexander's Feast
Label: Coro
$39.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Handel: Dixit Dominus, etc / Christophers, The Sixteen
Label: Chandos Chaconne Series
$25.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Handel: Triumph of Time and Truth / Darlow, Fisher, et al
Label: Hyperion Dyad
$19.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Collectors Edition - Handel: Oratorios / Hogwood, et al
Label: London/Decca
$91.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Handel: La Rezurrezione / Christopher Hogwood, Kirkby
Label: Oiseau Lyre London/Decca
$49.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Handel: Esther / Hogwood, Kirkby, Kwella, Minter
Label: Oiseau Lyre London/Decca
$53.98 Canadian Dollars
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