Miles, Alastair

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Artist : Miles, Alastair Label: Chandos Records

Album artwork for
Britten: The Rape of Lucretia / Hickox, Rigby, Maxwell, Opie
Label: Chandos Records
$48.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Opera in English - Puccini: La bohème / Parry, Haymon, et al Sound sample
Label: Chandos Records
$42.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Opera in English - Verdi: Aida / Parry, Eaglen, Miles, et al Sound sample
Label: Chandos Records
$42.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Elgar: Caractacus, etc / Hickox, London SO & Chorus
Label: Chandos Records
$44.98 Canadian Dollars
Album artwork for
Opera In English - Great Arias & Ensembles
Label: Chandos Records
$8.98 Canadian Dollars
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